Golf academy

Our academy offers different forms of teaching; from individual, group to company events. Essential part of such activities is teaching of beginners and their preparation for passing examination to achieve permission to play on the course (Certificate).
A special unit within the academy framework is the golf school for kids and junior players.

In teaching, we do not concentrate only on technic of the swing, but particularly on golf psychomotorics. That is to say, on the ability to use the acquired technical abilities on the course.

Teaching is adjusted to specific requirements of any particular player.

We closely cooperate with Ljunghusen Golf Academy and Marcus Westerberg who is our external couch and adviser (

Individual and group teaching

non-membermember GCK
30 min(max 2 persons)500,- CZK400,- CZK
55 min(max 2 persons)1.000,- CZK800,- CZK
55 min(3 – 4 persons)1.200,- CZK1.000,- CZK
60 min(on the course, max 3 persons)1.200,- CZK1.000,- CZK

Practise balls and green fee are not included

Kids and junior golf school

1 hour/week1.000,- CZK800,- CZK
2 hours/week1.800,- CZK1.600,- CZK
3 hours/week2.400,- CZK2.200,- CZK
4 hours/week3.000,- CZK2.700,- CZK

One year green fee for members of Kids and junior golf school, valid for 2021

price for 2021 : 4.000,- CZK
sibling/2021: 3.500,- CZK
Valid for the course C (South Course) with possibilty to play the course A and/or B in case there is free space and after approval of the reception. Approval is given only for game in presence of adult person.

Teaching of beginners and preparation for passing exam to achieve Certificate

1 person10.000,- CZK
2 persons6.000,- CZK/person
3 – 4 persons4.500,- CZK/person
5 – 6 persons3.500,- CZK/person

Price includes 10 hours of teaching, practise balls and green fee on the course C (South course)

Kids golf tournaments “Karlštejnský Mišák”

Tournament will be held on the course C (South course). Dates will be announced by invitation.
non-member menmer GCK
Fee 300,- CZK 200,- CZK

Golf clinic for members GCK

Weekend 2 hours unit, once in two weeks. Each player 20 min lesson once a month. Dates will be available in the reception in advance.

For members GCK only for free

Holiday kids and junior camps

5. 7. – 9. 7. 2021 (Monday – Friday, 9:00 – 17:00)
9. 8. – 13. 8. 2021 (Monday – Friday, 9:00 – 17:00)
Price 5.900,- CZK/kid
Price includes practise balls, lending of clubs, green fees on the course C (South course), lunch, snack, soft drinks and prices for final tournament.
Camps are suitable also for beginners.

Training groups

of kids, juniors and adults. One group in each category, 5 – 8 persons. Practise one day once a month aiming on golf psychomotorics.

Consultation with physiotherapist


Phone: 737286787